Forum Replies Created
Participant1. How will you incorporate phonological awareness teaching strategies into your daily teaching?
Knowing about them, I would try to spend a few minutes at the beginning of class to go over the levels of phonological awareness. perhaps not all on the same day, but every day designate a review from the most basic to the most complex as the days of the week progress. I would try to identify those students who are further behind and try to help them in conjunction with a student who already has the most developed ability. You could make pairs of students and develop some dynamic at the beginning of the class with the aim of reinforcing some skill.2. How will you ensure that your teaching is multi-sensory?
Through the manipulation of different objects, be it plastic letters, word cards, blocks for reviewing syllables. Watching videos or repeating songs that help me to reinforce some skill. Also invite parents to be able to download an app of phonemes or words where students can practice from their homes and put technology to positive use.3. no questions.
Participant1. What struck me the most is that we all learn to read in the same way, through the same mental process.
2. For this reason, we must be clear in giving instructions so as not to confuse students when starting their process.
3. They understand that reading is not a natural ability, therefore, like any other ability, it must be developed and worked on in order to fully master it.williamcorrtez
ParticipantDecember 8, 2022 at 9:20 am in reply to: 4.2 – Rich Tasks & Activities (Note: Under Project Banner) #2473I tried to focus on 2 strategies and make a mix of them. I incorporated Weekly Seating – Problem Solving and Illustrative Math Tasks into my class. I chose these two since, being a weekly problem, I thought that the format should be different from what was worked on, in addition to having another type of writing so that the students begin to get used to a different job from a single teacher.
The main obstacle was that since it was something weekly that was delivered on Mondays and reviewed on Fridays, there were students who did not do it or did not understand it. others who developed it on the same Monday and did not work on it anymore during the week. So there was a lack of coordination at the beginning.
After that, it was explained again how the work would be. Then on Monday the problem was handed in and read in front of the entire course. On Tuesday they had to bring in writing all the doubts they had regarding the problem. On Wednesday they had to bring in writing the definition of the concept that they intend to work on. On Thursday the exercise was read again and some doubts were resolved, and finally on Friday the exercise was resolved with the help of the students.
The different thing I would do would be to establish a work routine immediately. In addition to designating some students to be in charge of sharing their progress according to the day in order to make sure that everyone participates and that they are more committed to the development of the problem.
ParticipantI chose the strategy of small group discussion.
It worked that the students felt more comfortable being able to develop the work with their classmates and exchange ideas.
I need to adjust trying to help more those students who do not like to share their ideas with other people for fear of being mocked. Give them enough confidence that even if the answer is correct or not, that does not mean that they are laughed at. In addition to monitoring the work of those students who always want to stand out, in order to make sure that they are listening to their classmates and are not simply doing what they say.
There were more students who wanted to speak this time, the students who regularly do not share their opinion in class, this time they were more comfortable to speak since they had previously done so with their classmates, so they felt more confident in their answers.
ParticipantMy top 5 checks for comprehension are
1) white board; This allows me to write down important ideas to better explain or demonstrate some concepts that are being taught. 2) Stop and jot; It is always important that they can record those ideas so that they can go back to review what is being learned. 3) Short discussion between teacher and student about a concept or work; when we are teaching mathematics it is vitally important that students can observe and see what they want to teach, saying concepts on the air may not always be understood by students, but when you have a drawing or something that they can remember and then associate with some concept. 4) Misconception Check; So that there are no doubts, it is good to check as we progress with the learning, ask the students if they are understanding what is being taught, and ask if they have any doubts and correct any topic that they have not understood correctly. correct. Finally the 5) Reflect after the activity with open-ended questions s a group; It is always good to generate instances of discussion where students present their points of view, especially when students themselves are able to help each other and simplify what the teacher wants to teach. Giving them the opportunity to see for themselves how they have understood the process and then they can express it verbally helps me as a teacher to realize if they are understanding what I want to teach and how I want to teach it.williamcorrtez
Participant1/6; 2/8; 3/5; 2/3
As my colleague says, it is necessary for students to understand that a fraction is part of a whole and that the denominator does not necessarily define the size of the whole, but rather how many parts the whole is divided into.
That is why for them to be able to visualize this concept, I draw a rectangle of the same size and divide it according to the indicated fraction.
In this case, I draw 4 rectangles of the same size and divide each one according to the denominator of the indicated fraction. This is how they can see that 1/6 is less than 2/3, because the 2/3 rectangle is more “painted” than the 1/6 rectangle, even though both are the same size.williamcorrtez
ParticipantIn my experience working with different levels, the one I will focus on will be first grade, so the Early numbers and counting progression and the addition and subtraction progression are the areas I should go over and start working with students. I like to remember the content they were able to learn in kindergarten and connect it to the new knowledge. Applying new strategies for addition and subtraction shows me that students have different ways of solving and connecting content. There are students who need to draw pictures to find results, others use their fingers and others simply do a mental process. But if everyone likes to work with concrete material; grouping, putting or removing different objects, helps them to be able to visualize a result through the manipulation of different objects stimulates them to create a conceptual understanding of what is addition and subtraction.
By grouping different objects, students may be able to figure out that one number plus another equals another number plus another number. Sometimes children tend to think that, for example, 5 + 5 = 10, and that there is no other way to find the number 10. But when we show them another option, for example, 6 + 4 =10; they begin to understand that if we put different numbers together we can find the same results.
Now, when we start to use numbers greater than 10, we have the challenge that some students find it difficult to understand how to operate with them, so the decomposition of numbers is a strategy that allows them to simplify the largest number and be able to develop the exercises. more easily.williamcorrtez
ParticipantMath fluency helps master concepts and apply them to problem solving and reasoning.
Number sense involves the ability to make sense of numbers, understanding numbers and how they work together. Through exploration, practical tools, discussion and engagementwilliamcorrtez
ParticipantI learn that my students are capable of helping each other, that they are supportive of each other, that they have different learning rhythms and that I must give everyone space to shine. I learn that I can work with my colleagues and show students how to do collaborative work. I learn that mathematics is not only taught through numerical expressions, but can be through art, literature, science, music, etc.
ParticipantOne of the strategies that I use most is group work, students like to share ideas and develop tasks in classes with their classmates. I also like to ask those faster students to do their homework that are guardians of those who require help, that way they feel useful in the classroom and can use their remaining time in helping others.
Another thing that I like to do a lot is to ask other teachers to be able to do work in sets where students must integrate different skills, both in mathematics with science, mathematics with arts, mathematics with language, etc. It is a concrete way to show students that mathematics serve in everyday life and that they are not just a set of abstract ideas.williamcorrtez
ParticipantI made different groups of students. Each group was assigned a content, and with the help of the school book they investigated regarding the subject. Then they had to teach the rest of the class what they had learned and the rest of the class could ask him different questions.
The work was 2 full classes. The first where each group investigated the subject and towards some visual help to present the other students, and the second class where each group of what you learned.
The students managed to be able to deliver the content with their words to their own classmates, which was enriching for the rest of the students because the subject was developed to word chords at their age.
The students could ask questions and these were answered.
The students were able to realize that when investigating an issue they are able to enter and teach it to the rest of the class.williamcorrtez
ParticipantAlways try to carry out activities where students can use different resolution strategies, depending on what is most easy for them. I also ask those students who end up first to solve exercises, to be tutors of those who are costing more work to develop their task. That way they can learn from their classmates to enter a new learning.
ParticipantWhen you have a number of students in the room, different learning rhythms can be visualized. Some have faster skills, others need more time, but it is possible to identify that everyone has fluency math. Most of the students use their fingers to be able to comply with results, others make them only weighing and only a few need to manipulate some help, but they are able to find results.
Participant1. Before starting a class, do a background knowledge scan and do short reviews with the help of the students. Then connect that prior knowledge with the new content you want to teach.
2. Work with other subjects where students are able to integrate different content.
3. Visual material posted on the walls of the classroom.
4. Have the students do group work and then teach the rest of their classmates.
5. Invent songs to remember some content.
Participantplace value.
identify characteristics of different geometric figures.
equivalent fractions.
angle classification. -