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ASU Training Courses and Resources

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Explore our training courses

Explore our training courses Details

Choose from individual lessons or go all in with a full course experience.

Blended Learning

Introduction to Blended Learning

In these lessons, you’ll learn how to use…

Blended Learning
Introduction to Blended Learning

In these lessons, you’ll learn how to use in-person teaching methods with online learning technology to create a powerful and personalized blended learning experience.

Thriving teacher

Thriving as a Digital Teacher

Online education is here to stay. In this…

Thriving teacher
Thriving as a Digital Teacher

Online education is here to stay. In this course, you’ll learn how to translate your teaching experience to an online environment and thrive as a digital instructor.

Gifted Credentials

Gifted Students and Education

Understand how gifted students think, learn, and thrive…

Gifted Credentials
Gifted Students and Education

Understand how gifted students think, learn, and thrive while uncovering strategies to support gifted, twice-exceptional, and culturally diverse learners.


ASU Prep Science of Reading

Gain a deeper understanding of the science of…

ASU Prep Science of Reading

Gain a deeper understanding of the science of reading with best practices and strategies for teaching foundational skills and supporting emergent readers.

Please note: This course is not approved for PD hours towards the Arizona K-5 Literacy Endorsement.


Math Teaching Methods K–5

Supercharge math class with this interactive course that…

Math Teaching Methods K–5

Supercharge math class with this interactive course that will share practical strategies for building math fluency while creating a fun and hands-on math classroom.

Students studying alternative wind energy during elementary science class

STEM Education and Programs

Develop a strong foundation for STEM education by…

Students studying alternative wind energy during elementary science class
STEM Education and Programs

Develop a strong foundation for STEM education by focusing on the what and why, learning best practices, and gaining resources for developing your own STEM program.

Elevating Student Engagement: Secondary

Ignite student engagement by fostering positive relationships and…

Elevating Student Engagement: Secondary

Ignite student engagement by fostering positive relationships and designing student-centered learning activities that encourage learner agency.


Elevating Student Engagement: Elementary

Ignite student engagement by fostering positive relationships and…

Elevating Student Engagement: Elementary

Ignite student engagement by fostering positive relationships and designing student-centered learning activities that encourage learner agency.

Puzzle on table with KnowledgeWorks and Center for the Future of Arizona logos

Introduction to Personalized, Competency-Based Learning

Explore the key elements of personalized, competency-based learning.…

Puzzle on table with KnowledgeWorks and Center for the Future of Arizona logos
Introduction to Personalized, Competency-Based Learning

Explore the key elements of personalized, competency-based learning. Discover how learner and educator agency leads to reimagined, deeper learning.

Classroom with KnowledgeWorks and Center for the Future of Arizona logos

Learning Environments in Personalized, Competency-Based Learning

Learn to empower student agency through optimizing physical…

Classroom with KnowledgeWorks and Center for the Future of Arizona logos
Learning Environments in Personalized, Competency-Based Learning

Learn to empower student agency through optimizing physical space and time and employing co-design strategies in developing standard operating procedures. Courses Courses Details

Choose from individual lessons or go all in with a full course experience.

Growing Your Strengths and Knowing Your Crew

Strengthening teachers' personal reserves and strengths, through resilience…

Growing Your Strengths and Knowing Your Crew

Strengthening teachers' personal reserves and strengths, through resilience strategies, re-anchoring in purpose and deepening their connection with their colleagues.

Make the most of your online learning experience

Make the most of your online learning experience Details

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With our ASU Training Courses

Below are Details of With our ASU Training Courses

  • View courses anytime
  • Earn a certificate when you complete a course
  • Engage in topics with other teachers
  • Access to downloadable assets
  • Learn through interactive exercises