Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDiscuss the True/False Statements from the viewpoint of when you were a math student and now as a math teacher.
Mathematics is Computation. – By definition, there is computation in math, however, I think that the true false statement here is that math is solely computation. Math can be very fluid. Numbers can be moved, changed, and reworked to help solve any problem.
Math is just memorizing rules. – Math should never be memorization. The brain can only memorize so much.
You are either good at math or bad at math. – I have heard so many students say this about themselves. I always say that I’m going to teach you that math is a tool you can use in whatever way you need.
Math is creative. and Math is exploration. I think most math teachers fail there students in this way. I remember that, when I was a girl, I tried to tell my teacher a way that I’d discovered to multiply by 9s. She said “students aren’t going to understand that.” As a teacher, I’ve taught my students that method many times and they really understand it. By saying that to me, she negated her intelligence as much as she did mine (not to mention the intelligence of every other student she taught).
There are many ways to problem solve. and Mistakes help our learning. – I really think that people wouldn’t be so afraid of math if they realized that these sayings are true. With all the ways you can alter a problem to find a solution certainly give a person many ways to find their answers.
ParticipantRate your comfort level with solving the problem.
How did you feel when you first saw the problem?I was comfortable with solving the problems because I understand the fluidity of math, and I realized how important it is to teach kids how fun math can be when you understand a few core concepts.
Did you feel you had the strategies to solve the problem?
How did you feel when you solved the problem, whether you were right or wrong?
I felt good because I was right.
ParticipantEsgi is a wonderful way to keep track of student progress. It’s quick, easy, and also has the data and history you need to assess how a student is doing in moments. You can also see what your class needs as a whole, and use this information to adjust future lessons.
ParticipantI use ESGI to track students progress with phonemic awareness. I give tests for rhyming, cvc words, and more to help students learn.
I also track the sight words they are able to decode and remember with posters on the wall. As my students progress, they have a sticker that represents them and their progress added to the display. They are always excited to add more stickers. I also used this to monitor student’s letter/sound recognition in the beginning of the year. For fluency, I use bubble blowers. Lists of sight words or easy cvc words. The students is supposed to read as many as possible before running out of breath. Then they try to beat their time (or word count, more accurately).roberta.deaso
ParticipantI think that believing dyslexia is simply a reversal of numbers is a common mistake. I thought the same thing. I really feel that education, as a whole, needs to be acquainted with all the new things that science is telling us about learning and the brain. Science of reading really is helpful with that. Thank you for sharing all that you have in this course. As teachers, we always have to remember that we are learners as well. Some teachers forget that.
ParticipantPreconceived notions of what dyslexia is and how we can help really hinder our ability to help students. That’s why this program has been so helpful. I used to think that dyslexia was simply writing words backwards. I’m glad you and I were both able to see a way to help our students.
ParticipantWhat is something new you learned about dyslexia?
I didn’t realize that in a dyslexic person, part of the brain isn’t activating the way it should.
What are some strategies you want to implement in your classroom regarding word recognition and dyslexia?
I already use movement in lessons, but I would like to start using more brightly colored papers and I would love to get better at providing choice to show mastery in this grade level (K) in the way I was able to do in upper grade levels.
What aspects of structured literacy are you already using in your reading practice? Which aspects do you plan to implement?
I use Heggerty, so students get lots of repeated exposure using movement to help them learn. I will add many things that I have learned in this class; one of which will be I Spy to help students think of similarities in words. I also want to add more review and lessons on syllables. I want to be very intentional about that learning, as the teacher in the video was.
ParticipantI love the hand motions for Heggerty. I find that the techniques they use, like the roller coaster method for finding middle sounds, can really help students later when they are trying to sound out a word and spell it. I think that bringing in those techniques during writing time, or even social studies/science, can really help them learn to spell and recognize word patterns faster.
ParticipantIn your own reading classroom, do you see more of a need to spend more time on foundational skills or to provide more multisensory approaches? Why?
I teach Kindergarten, so I feel like there is a need to provide both at the same time. I try to repeatedly review what we have learned in a multisensory way. Students will forget the foundational skills they have learned, if they are not practiced consistently, especially in Kindergarten, where they are learning how to learn.
What are some of your favorite strategies for teaching phonemic awareness and phonics?
I use Heggerty, dance and movement, playdoh, and other fun activities to help students learn. I also incorporate games as often as possible.
ParticipantIn what ways will you incorporate phonological awareness teaching strategies into your daily teaching?
I use Heggerty now, but I will play more games and strive to make the learning more fun.How will you ensure your teaching is multisensory?
I use many different things, like magnetic letters, blocks, and letter/sound locks. I will continue to use these and more.What questions do you have?
None right now.roberta.deaso
ParticipantI agree that having a scope and sequence will ensure that your instruction is both explicit and systematic. It will also help you to be able to adjust the degree of explicit and systematic instruction throughout the weeks/months to ensure that students are getting enough practice to solidify the information in their minds.
ParticipantI feel it is so important that, like doctors who are always “practicing” their art, we don’t rest on what we think we know. We must be life-long learners. Because of this, I think that it is so important for us, as teachers, to keep up with the science in those scientific articles you mentioned so that we can make sure we are teaching our students with the most recent information available.
ParticipantTake a few moments to reflect upon your learning. What are your three main takeaways?
Reading instruction must be explicit and systematic because learning to read is not natural in the way learning to speak is. We must be sure that all the strands of Scarborough’s rope are securely in place to help readers with all they need to become fluent readers. We must help readers early, because the chances to help them dwindle quickly.