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  • kabinjc
    in reply to: Getting Started with Playlists and Hyperdocs #3609

    • What are some methods you have used with students who need extra time on classwork?
    All students get support by coming to the online sessions – Office Hours & Synchronous Sessions. During this session, students who needs extra time can get support for the classwork or view materials embedded in the lesson on canvas.
    • What are some methods you use for those who finish early?
    Students who finished early may proceed to do advance lessons also available in canvas. Videos and materials can guide students of the fundamentals of the lessons. During the office hours, these students can also ask questions or help. During the class, students who completed their work early usually helped other students. Extra credit are given to these students.

    in reply to: Setting Up Your Flipped Classroom #3605

    steps you would take to implement a flipped classroom approach in your classroom
    Step 1 – Students must be made aware where to go to access the materials they can learn independently. Review with students how to log in to systems, navigate the
    platform in finding the assignments, announcements, and others.
    Step 2 – Students must understand the concept of Digital Citizenship by introducing the class to technology expectations in in-campus session and online class,
    commit to responsible use of technology, and establish expectations for using tech devices.
    Step 3 – Students must set goals for their learning. Be able to access help or feedback from teacher or peers through variety of channels; text messages, audio &
    video communications, and maybe face to face interaction if possible.
    obstacles or challenges you might encounter when flipping your classroom.
    Student ability to focus.
    Attendance to communicate with teachers or fellow students.

    in reply to: Blended Classroom Tools #3585

    This Blended Classroom Tool is intended to be used for all my classes in both online and In Classroom sessions in the coming school year Although I have done modifications, the tool was derived from the suggested template applies to the blended learning I have in my school. The tool is a modification of the suggested original which I found useful. I intend to use google document to collect data and look forward at using the data to move forward.

    in reply to: Practicing Blended Learning #3554

    What aspects of blended learning are already an active part of your teaching practice?
    Focus on teaching quality. Synchronous, Asynchronous Session and face to face classes has been an active part of my teaching practice. Before I cam to my present school, I have the privilege to be in a school where blended learning is adapted. In my present school we are doing blended learning. Students report to school for face to face classes one day then the next day they to attend a Synchronous session. During the online class, students are also able to do task during Asynchronous session.

    What is an area or two for which you would need to develop your practice?
    Share strategies for Independent Work. I have yet to improve how I can connect with students to be responsible in doing their independent work. We have variety of strategies that the school and myself have adapted to motivate the students. Students are not responsive to synchronous session. Teachers and schools must be consistent and persistent in reaching out to students and parents. Most the most part, synchronous sessions and even Asynchronous session will have very few student attending or even none.

    in reply to: Practicing Blended Learning #3553

    What aspects of blended learning are already an active part of your teaching practice?
    Focus on teaching quality. Synchronous, Asynchronous Session and face to face classes has been an active part of my teaching practice. Before I cam to my present school, I have the privilege to be in a school where blended learning is adapted. In my present school we are doing blended learning. Students report to school for face to face classes one day then the next day they to attend a Synchronous session. During the online class, students are also able to do task during Asynchronous session.

    What is an area or two for which you would need to develop your practice?
    Share strategies for Independent Work. I have yet to improve how I can connect with students to be responsible in doing their independent work. We have variety of strategies that the school and myself have adapted to motivate the students. Students are not responsive to synchronous session. Teachers and schools must be consistent and persistent in reaching out to students and parents. Most the most part, synchronous sessions and even Asynchronous session will have very few student attending or even none.

    in reply to: Blended Learning Models #3391

    • Which of the blended learning models will work best for your students? Explain why.
    A combination of Split A/B Model and Multi-Track Model. Split A/B because that reduces the number of students present in the class and ore time for student and teacher interaction. It would also allow teacher to create groups in the face-to-face classroom which make it easier to manage. With those that are at home can proceed to complete the work independently or with the teacher in a virtual environment.

    • Visualize your classroom with the model that you selected. What might it look and sound like for the teacher and students?
    Students who are in school can learn from the teacher teaching, or learn from their peers in a group, or with teacher be readily available. If platforms allow, teacher will be able to monitor progress of the student doing work in asynchronous session. If necessary, teacher can invite a specific student to join and work with the teacher one on one in a virtual platform.

    in reply to: Defining Blended Learning #3386

    Blended learning is when school adapt a combination in-person and virtual classes. I left my teaching job in the District of Columbia when the pandemic started and when I came back to teaching in North Carolina, the school I went to had face-to-face as well as virtual classes. In the school where I am now, we do blended learning where students come to school one day then stay at home the next day.

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)