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  • jagraupner
    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #9942

    I like the idea of having them complete multiple items on the choice board. As simple as it sounds, wasn’t something that I thought of prior to viewing yours. Are there certain activities you want them to choose from? I agree with your directions of separate directions for students with IEPs, 504s and ILPs to receive separate directions, and possibly a different rubric. I think if I did a choice board where they had to pick more than one option, I would try a pick one from each option, or if you pick this one it would lead to a different options.

    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #9941

    My choice board is for an advocacy project that we do in health. This choice board is going to give students several options at real life applications to advocate for a cause they are passionate about. I would say that more high ability students will be able to complete the choice board, but could be applied for all students.

    in reply to: 5.4 Supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 Learners #9933

    What is, or what do you think will be your biggest challenge when it comes to supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 learners in your online classroom

    I think the biggest challenge will be the time it takes to make sure I am meeting all of their individual needs. I also think checking for understanding on a frequent base is something that I will struggle with. Also, if those students have questions and if we are asynchronous, the ability to answer the questions when the students need them.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #9924

    They could try to help make the comic strips.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #9923

    Help make this activity virtual.

    I do an activity that create or modify a game and then we play/try it as a class, then we critique and make adjustments. I have had them do the first part virtually, but not sure how they would be able to play it and then make edits virtually.

    in reply to: 4.6 Classroom Meeting Activities #9922

    Tell us about a favorite way you like to use classroom meetings or huddle time. It can be anything—a way to build rapport with your students, say words of affirmation, practice conflict resolution, etc. Don’t forget to include what grade level(s) and subject area(s) the activity is appropriate for.

    During discussions, I like to have students have debates about topics. The questions will vary depending on our topic that we are learning about. Students can do these in small groups or individually. During projects, I like to “check in” with students and this can be anything form how they are doing on the project or just in general.

    in reply to: 4.4 Fostering Student Relationships #9916

    One of my favorite ways to build relationships with students is just to talk to them. Ask them about their day, weekend, sporting event. Try and get to know them outside of the classroom and what their interest in. Maybe comment on a shirt or jersey they are wearing. This shows them that you are genuinely interested in them as a person. Like the old adage “students don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care”, is more important today than ever.

    in reply to: 4.3 Remote Learning Matrix #9915

    I primarily used the matrix provided, but made some edits using others material. This will be an ongoing process as I encounter problems in the digital classroom. Being new to digital teaching it is hard for me to predict what problems could occur. It seemed as if most of the things on the elementary matrix would provide to secondary as well.

    in reply to: 3.5 Your Hyperdoc #9914

    I will try this! Thanks for the ideas.

    in reply to: 3.5 Your Hyperdoc #9913

    My lesson is for middle school PE. My lesson is for students to complete fitness bingo’s. Students in person will be able to have partners to complete the assignments. Students will use the links to assist in answering the questions. Students should be able to complete this assignment in 1 day. Students will then answer questions at the bottom of the doc.

    in reply to: 2.9 Digital Lesson and Reflection #9819

    I am attaching a link to a digital lesson. I am not currently teaching online, but did some during Covid.

    What part of your live lesson went well? Why? I think what went well during Covid was that I felt I had more time to gather materials. I was able to get questions in advance for the speaker so she was able to better prepare.

    Something I think could have gone better was to have done a live Google Meet and recorded it so students would have been able to ask follow up questions.

    Identify 1-2 areas where you think you can improve. What would you do differently next time? I think doing a live Google Meet/Zoom could be more productive for students and record it for students to refer back to or for students who would be unable to attend.

    in reply to: 2.4 Your Digital Home Base #9813

    I am attaching a google doc with screen shots of what students go to each day.

    Students are able to always access Canvas and this allows students to stay up to date on work. Canvas offers many features such as direct messaging on assignments that help provide feedback to students. I am able to link all assignments and put them in the calendar where students are able to see what is due that day and what assignments are coming up. This allows for students to better manage their time.

    in reply to: 1.8 Challenges of Teaching Online #9749

    With not a lot of online teaching experience, student engagement and building relationships is something that is something that I find challenging. I think I could have students fill out a form early in the course to learn somethings about them and try and to include their likes and interest into lessons. I have used screencastify when doing some asynchronous learning, but I worry about trying to make it “too perfect”. I tend to prefer discussions over lectures. Using Jambboard or padlet doesn’t have the same feel to me.

    in reply to: 1.6 Streamlining Your Digital Workspace #9748

    I use Canvas calendar to help me and my students see what is coming up. This helps by being able to add links to the calendar so they can go directly to the assignment on that day without having to search. Since most teachers in our building use Canvas it improves instruction by not consuming a lot of time. It is not something unique to a certain classroom and isn’t something “new” the student has to learn. Each teacher is able to use Canvas a little differently, which does allow for some creativity.

    in reply to: Discussion Post Topic: Visions and Actions #9738

    I think greeting students by their name on a daily basis helps build relationships. I am amazed at the amount of teachers that I have worked with that don’t know their students names by the end of the year. If you don’t even know their name, how do you know them. I grade PE very similarly as far as effort based and not skill based. I have thrown in some skill test in the past, but it is a small part of their grade.

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