Forum Replies Created
ParticipantUse a system that best fits for you and your students.
Participantpre, ip, post
ParticipantStudents learned content with ‘escape room”, then set up the next game for the next class. Big hit
ParticipantEducation is a life long journey, Ben’s education need a larger view into tangible parts with specific details.
ParticipantPart 1: On the discussion board, share one station activity idea you have that aligns to your content area. This can be for a teacher-led station, a technology-based station, or a collaborative station.
Teacher-led station demonstrate on how to make a book.
Part 2: Browse the ideas on the discussion post and respond to 2 posts with additional ideas, constructive feedback, or ideas for enrichment or extension.
Have never used Freckle or IXL, thanks for sharing.
Challenging students is a good thing.ajackofallarts
ParticipantWhat does the station rotation model look and sound like in your classroom from the student perspective? What about the teacher perspective?
Student view would be various work centers with different topic and objectives while the teacher would see numerous standards being covered at the same time.ajackofallarts
ParticipantThinking back to the information you just learned about station rotation, which of the stations would you most like to use in your classroom? A fine arts station might include creating a 3D rendering of a drawing using clay.
ParticipantFlexible Grouping. …
Nominal Brainstorming. …
Think-Pair-Share. …
Cooperative Learning Groups. …
Flash Cards. …
Interview. …
Group Discussion. …
Learning Centers.ajackofallarts
ParticipantPart 1: Using one of the resources from the Playlist and Hyperdoc Choice Board, create your own playlist or hyperdoc that you can implement with your students immediately. Think of a lesson or unit that could easily lend itself to a playlist or hyperdoc and start from there.
Part 2: Post your playlist or hyperdoc to the discussion board. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfUhxLnhK2lj13PnD1QFYHl9stlhYBuZ2I7-rBblYaAf6ixJw/viewform
Part 3: Browse the other submitted playlists and hyperdocs and respond to one post with constructive feedback for improvement. Don’t forget the importance of simple graphic design when creating.
ParticipantThe World of Playlists and Hyperdocs
What are you most excited to try with playlists and hyperdocs? Variety of options available.
How might playlists and hyperdocs impact your students? Access 24/7.
ParticipantPart 1: Explore blogs, articles, and other educational resources to locate examples of playlists and Hyperdocs. Search for examples based on grade level, subject area, or topics you explore with students in your current role. There are many examples of amazing playlists and Hyperdocs that teachers have already created that you can directly use, adapt, or modify for your use.
Part 2: Using the discussion board, share a favorite hyperdoc or playlist you found! Share why you are drawn to it, how you might use it, and why it will be useful for your students! https://www.teachertube.com/categories/home-economics, video related to content and available for individual choice that is student appropriate.
Part 3: Review and respond to at least one other post with a playlist or hyperdoc tip, trick, or additional information. Definitely start with that you know and explore, even students have suggestion on hyperdoc platforms.
ParticipantUsing the discussion board, post one concern you have about student pacing, independence, or autonomy when using a playlist. It’s depended on abilities to read and write English.
Next, read through the other concerns posted and respond to 1-2 with advice, tips, or tricks to try.
Students taking extra time may need a timer or visual aid.
Students feeling overwhelmed offered smaller playlist with simplified content, with links to more complex levels as needed.ajackofallarts
ParticipantWhat are some methods you have used with students who need extra time on classwork?
Decreasing assignment length
Tailoring assignments to the child’s level
Visual representation of time
Dividing assignment into parts
Provide flexibility on format
Consistent positive reinforcement
What are some methods you use for those who finish early?
1. Dig: Ask the student to go deeper into the topic. Scaffold.
2. Level-Up: Prepare levels, like in a game. Students start at level 1 and can move on to harder levels if they finish early.
3. Self-Assess: Give students the rubric and let them score the work. If their work is lacking, let them revise.
4. PBL: Create a larger/ longer problem that the students are working on throughout the unit. If they finish early they can pick up solving the problem.
5. Master: Encourage early finishers to master the skill as opposed to finishing the skill.
6. Team: Have on standby team-building activities that early finishers can engage in with their team.
7. Document learning via KWL chart
8. Partner: Create a partner system. When your partner is done, trade, assess, support, and/or critique.
9. Plan: Ask students to help plan the next level.
10. Game: Allow students to create a game.
11. Play a game of chess
12. Play Civilization VI
13. Meta-cognitive journaling (use a prompt to write a short journal entry about the assignment and their thinking/’doing’ during its completion).
14. Genius time (see here to read more about Genius Hour)
15. Ongoing passion projects (like mini-PBL projects mashed with Genius Hour)
16. Write a short letter, email, text, DM, etc., to a fictional character or historical figure
17. Doodle (it’s actually good for creativity)
18. Meditate (if they’re willing, this may be the best use of their time of all the ideas here)
19. Write a gratitude journal entry
20. Ask and improve a question (or simply brainstorm a list of questions about anything–from the lesson, from your content area, their personal lives, things they’re curious about, etc.)ajackofallarts
ParticipantA description of your lesson and approach to flipping. Students at home can learn from an instructional video how paper is made, then answer questions, and apply new knowledge in making paper in classroom.
An explanation of how your flipped lesson incorporates multiple levels of thinking: how an idea becomes reality through process.ajackofallarts
Participant2-3 steps you would take to implement a flipped classroom approach in your classroom. 1, survey of technology at home. 2, common technology platforms with in class tutorials. 3, reflections of flip success or failures.
1-2 obstacles or challenges you might encounter when flipping your classroom. Lack of technology, little to no technology skills, and lack of interests. -