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Reply To: Tracking Student Progress


We currently are using Sonday daily to teach phonics instruction. I teach 3rd grade and now we have been moving into word parts and multisyllable words. Each day we review the prefixes and suffixes and then read and discuss words with these parts added to them. I can tell it is getting more difficult. We use fastbridge assessments to test their reading ability, accuracy, and fluency. Then we make small groups based on that data and work on the components of reading within those small groups. In addition, Fastbridge offers comprehension passages on each grade level. I print these and use these to practice and assess comprehension. I would like to try different assessment options such as Keep it going and My Favorite No. I currently use Popsicle Stick, Exit Tickets, and Whiteboards consistenlty.

  • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by fallon.trisoliere. Reason: added idea