Reply To: Tracking Student Progress
Some of the skills that I track for fluency include the number of words the student is able to read correctly within a time frame, using expression while reading, and retelling the story/passage. I use DIBELS scores as a pre-assessment, then complete progress monitoring to help me pace the lessons I will teach in small groups with my students. I always inform my students of where they are and I have them help create a goal. We refer back to their goal when it is time to progress monitor and we update their progress. It is pretty awesome to see first graders invested in the number of words they read correctly or when they compliment each other on expression. I also provide sentence stems to encourage students to talk to each other about their reading. They use the sentence stems to provide compliments to each other and to reflect on what they are doing well and what they want to improve on. I love it when they take these sentence stems and use them with each other when working in centers.