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  • tinnerl
    in reply to: Favorite Hyperdocs and Playlists #3411

    Part 2: Share a favorite hyperdoc or playlist you found! Share why you are drawn to it, how you might use it, and why it will be useful for your students!

    This can be a great way to incorporate the hyperdoc idea into our hybrid classrooms. Some of the activities are great for in person, while others work well with the asynchronous day

    in reply to: Playlist Concerns #3410

    oops – that was for choice boards. For playlists I am concerned with the students procrastinating and turning in everything last minute. Our district policies make this even more of a concern as deadlines are extremely soft.

    in reply to: Playlist Concerns #3409

    I am concerned that students will game the system to do the bare minimum, choosing the activities that will facilitate cheating and work duplication

    in reply to: Getting Started with Playlists and Hyperdocs #3408

    What are some methods you have used with students who need extra time on classwork?

    Due dates are very malleable. As long as students are making progress, the actual day they turn in assignments is not of the most rigid of my procedures. The caveat to this is that students need to finish before new large units are introduced. Otherwise the amount of material rattling around in their heads will become oppressive.

    What are some methods you use for those who finish early?

    I have “toys” throughout the room – puzzles, books, games, etc. These have all been chosen with care to support the physics mind and develop their interest while “playing” Sometimes you have to sneak learning in.

    in reply to: Your Flipped Lesson Plan #3407

    A description of your lesson and approach to flipping
    An explanation of how your flipped lesson incorporates multiple levels of thinking.

    A video introducing Current and Resistance was created. Questions were inserted using EdPuzzle to check for understandings within the concept development. Within the video, examples of using Ohm’s Law were presented. Students were then required to solve similar but novel word problems. A reflection was added to the end to have students attempt to identify weaknesses in their learning that guides the in person small groups and one on one time.

    in reply to: Setting Up Your Flipped Classroom #3406

    2-3 steps you would take to implement a flipped classroom approach in your classroom
    * You must create the material for the kids to access on their home time
    * You must also teach the studnets how to access that material and how to digest it into useful learning activities

    1-2 obstacles or challenges you might encounter when flipping your classroom
    * The hugest obstiacle is getting the students to truly use their time at home effectively. In our district there were essentially no requirements on the students during the enforced lockdown. Those habits must be changed.

    in reply to: Blended Classroom Tools #3398

    A link to your tracker, tool, or activity

    A brief explanation of the intended student audience and how your tracker, tool, or activity accommodates them

    This tool will force the student to reflect on themselves and their new classmates as we begin a new journey together. It will also give me insights into their pasts as well as how their understanding of the teaching method has evolved.

    in reply to: Practicing Blended Learning #3397

    What aspects of blended learning are already an active part of your teaching practice? What is an area or two for which you would need to develop your practice?
    Material that used to take much class time, but was not truly necessary for an in-person setting is now pushed to the asynchronous day, freeing up significant times for more essential in person interactions. Developing quality asynchronous assignments that engage students is still and emergent skill for me.

    in reply to: Blended Learning Models #3396

    Which of the blended learning models will work best for your students? Explain why.
    The split A/B model seems to be a ver good fit for the concept of our school. The in-person day and the asynchronous day would nicely fit with our school reality. We will need to train the students to look at the asynchronous day more seriously, though.
    Visualize your classroom with the model that you selected. What might it look and sound like for both the teacher and students?
    Direct instruction and independent activities would easily be placed on the asynchronous days. The in person days would incorporate more of the one on one and group collaboration aspects

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)