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  • tinnerl
    in reply to: Feedback and Student Agency #17342

    Very true! As teachers we have to work hard to keep the peer editing from just being vapid phrases. Many guardrails have to be created.

    in reply to: Feedback and Student Agency #17340

    I agree. When students have to edit a peer they will understand better themselves!

    in reply to: Feedback and Student Agency #17337

    Implementing a peer feedback routine in the classroom can significantly enhance student engagement by fostering collaboration, accountability, and deeper learning. When students provide feedback to their peers, they actively engage in the learning process, improving their critical thinking and communication skills. This practice also makes learning more interactive and less teacher-centered, encouraging students to take ownership of their progress.

    The connection between feedback and student agency is profound. Quality feedback empowers students to recognize their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a growth mindset. When students regularly give and receive feedback, they develop self-regulation skills and take a more active role in their learning. Instead of passively receiving grades or corrections, they engage in meaningful reflection and goal-setting, which ultimately enhances their motivation and independence.

    By integrating peer feedback routines, educators can create a classroom culture where students feel valued, supported, and responsible for their own learning journey.

    in reply to: Establishing Relationships #15384

    My youth was somewhat similar to many of our students. I have been able to find common ground with many of them with similar life experiences. This has given me a “foot in the door”, so to speak. Being relatable has let the students see me as not just another barrier to their goals in life. It is not always easy to be vulnerable to the students, but the positives have definitely outweighed the challenge to me.

    in reply to: Expanding Your Tech Toolbox #15195

    I love Kahoots! The students are always excited by them

    in reply to: Expanding Your Tech Toolbox #15193

    I haven’t played around with pear deck yet. I should dive into that next.

    in reply to: Expanding Your Tech Toolbox #15191

    I explored Kahoot, an interactive tool for creating quizzes, polls, and discussions that engage students and assess prior knowledge. On its website, I learned about its customizable quizzes and real-time feedback features, and research revealed that teachers commonly use Kahoot for pre-assessments and identifying misconceptions. I plan to use Kahoot in my science class by creating a prior knowledge quiz for an upcoming unit, such as Newton’s Laws. After students complete the quiz, I’ll share the class results to highlight strengths and weaknesses, encouraging students to analyze their performance, set goals, and track progress, fostering data-driven learning.

    in reply to: Station Rotation Ideas #3419

    Those sound just perfect for skill development!

    in reply to: Station Rotation Ideas #3418

    For the Tach station – Online Phet simulations to allow the students to manipulate the concepts just learned through instruction

    in reply to: Station Rotation in My Classroom #3417

    The stations will allow the students to always know ther job for that day. It will help them wrap their head around the activities. It will also increase the soft skills that are so lacking after the covid years.

    in reply to: Classroom Stations #3416

    I have used a rotation of direct instruction, collective problem solving, individual problem solving, and group inquiry labs to develop concepts for each small unit.

    in reply to: Teacher-Led Instructional Activities #3415

    Collective problem solving. Then Jigsawing with other groups

    in reply to: The World of Playlists and Hyperdocs #3413

    Transistioning from a traditional in person teacher to one in a hybrid world has been a tough trick for this old dog to learn. These might give a great entree into effective asynchromous learning.

    in reply to: Favorite Hyperdocs and Playlists #3412

    That is a great template. It would be pretty straightforward to incorporate existing activities into a now modality

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)