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  • mametzger
    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #10888

    I like how your choice board allows students who are creative in different ways the opportunity to complete the assignment in a way they are most comfortable with.

    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #10887
    This is a choice board for a High School Sociology class.
    This board is intended for a class with student that have a wide range of abilities and includes activities accommodating special education students as well as gifted students.
    The options allow students to experience and describe new cultures in a variety of ways

    in reply to: 3.5 Your Hyperdoc #10882

    This would be an introductory lesson on the stock market for beginners. Students often have only heard financial advice on social media so we use this to create a base of knowledge and then we use future lessons to clear up some of the nonsense they hear on tiktok and instagram

    Most students are generally interested in this topic but it takes a lot to clear up some of the bad information that is available online. A hyperdoc like this could be further extended by getting students more access to credible information

    in reply to: 5.4 Supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 Learners #10872

    This might be a spot where polling students might help, but you are relying on students answering honestly about their understanding. If you were the only one who could see responses students would probably be more honest

    in reply to: 5.4 Supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 Learners #10871

    Do you know if something like screencastify can translate subtitles? I know you can generate them in English, it is something I am going to look into this summer.

    in reply to: 5.4 Supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 Learners #10870

    I feel like EL students are my biggest challenge, a lot of my content is vocabulary based so finding supports in this area outside of google translate is tough unless you are willing to pay extra to teach. There are a lot of ways built into Canvas to service some basic accommodations that are included for many IEPs and 504s

    in reply to: 5.2 Supporting Diverse Students #10860

    I have started asking kids to explain some of their jargon to me, it helps me understand their language more and I try to use it to explain what a teacher or job interviewer would be looking for instead.

    in reply to: 5.2 Supporting Diverse Students #10859

    What trends are you seeing with your students?
    A growing number of EL students, many are able to access some basic functions of google translate to help they understand materials. There are a growing number of apps to help with these students but all the best ones cost money.
    On time work completion across the board is a struggle as well. If I didn’t take late work I have some classes where more than half the kids would fail.

    What recurring successes or struggles do you see?
    Something I would count as a success is that students seem to have a better understanding of what is actually in their IEP’s and 504’s. When I first started teaching I can remember several students not knowing what accommodations they had access to in school.

    A recurring struggle I see is with 504’s several students who have the ability to turn in late assignments spend a lot of time on their phones in class and wait until a grade is entered before they ask about assignments, even though we did the assignment in class they don’t know how to do it because they weren’t paying attention.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #10856

    Could you have students respond in the comments with the tag “Final Answer”
    They could discuss in a breakout room or even in the comments as a class

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #10855

    You could divide the text up in to sections, assign each section a number, and give each student a number they have to read. In the comments section of the lesson students can individually respond to the text. This would allow each student to see everyone else’s response.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #10854

    Help Make this In-Person Activity Virtual

    In Economics class we do market simulations with students acting as buyers and sellers; Some students act as buyers of a good and other sellers have those goods to sell they agree on a price based on a playing card they are given which determines the break even price for the seller and the amount of cash the buyer has to spend. This activity works great in person but I can’t think of a way to make it work online.

    in reply to: 4.6 Classroom Meeting Activities #10848

    I teach High School Social Studies, economics and sociology, our school does a would you rather Wednesday on the morning announcements so I use this as a way to start first period every Wednesday. I start by responding to the would you rather then I ask other students to respond and justify their answers. It is a fun way to start the day and helps move us into the second half of the week.

    in reply to: 4.4 Fostering Student Relationships #10846

    I always ask students about the shirts they wear of different bands, it either starts a great conversation about their favorite songs or one about who the band actually is.

    in reply to: 4.4 Fostering Student Relationships #10845

    My best sociology class every semester is when we talk about deviance and I use what foods I do and don’t eat. Students are amazed at what I won’t eat and generally leave class thinking I am the most deviant food eater possible.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 32 total)