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  • jvanderwielen
    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #10906

    Here is a Hyperdoc Choice Board that I give to Honors English students at the end of the year when they engage in a media project.

    in reply to: 5.4 Supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 Learners #10905

    What is, or what do you think will be your biggest challenge when it comes to supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 learners in your online classroom?

    I think one of the biggest challenges is to encourage students to find their voice and to ask for help when they need it. Often my ELL studnets, for example, would rather blend into the crowd than to share that they are needing some help. I need to do a better job of circling back to these scholars to check in with them and add in supports to help them be successful.

    in reply to: 5.2 Supporting Diverse Students #10902

    What trends are you seeing with your students?
    What recurring successes or struggles do you see?

    I am not sure if this is a trend or, more likely, I am just now aware of this helpful option, but I feel that students appreciate visuals more than ever.

    I see recurring successes when students are given positive encouragement.
    I see recurring struggles when students give up before they even try. If they feel the work will be hard, they tend to back down from the challenge.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #10838

    In middle school English, often times students have to respond to questions about a given text. How can I do this online?

    in reply to: 4.6 Classroom Meeting Activities #10837

    I like the idea of using humor to connect. That’s a great idea. Everyone loves a joke – even a corny one.

    in reply to: 4.6 Classroom Meeting Activities #10836

    I teach 7th grade English. We have Wish Wells and Celebrations two days a week. We play Rock Paper Scissons one day a week. We do a uniting activity of some sort every day. This allows us to share about ourselves and learn about one- another. Each day I also have a student role of “Objective Reader.” We use this time to talk about our plan for the day and we can talk about things important to our class.

    in reply to: 4.4 Fostering Student Relationships #10835

    I foster relationships with my students by greeting every student at the door. I call each student by name as they enter the room. During the school year, each student writes an “I am From” poem that they share througout the year. Each student has a turn of reading his/her poem to the class during the year. This poem helps me learn a lot about the students so that I can engage in conversations with them and talk about specific aspects of their lives.

    in reply to: 2.6 Tech Tool Tic-Tac-Toe #10734

    One of may favorite tools is Kahoot. I recently used it as a Quiz for the novel we are reading. I think it’s great to have access to the data after a “game” has ended. You always see who makes the Leader Board, but you do not really know how individuals did. This holds everyone accountable AND gives me good feedback.
    Here is the link to this Kahoot.

    in reply to: 2.9 Digital Lesson and Reflection #10720

    My digial lesson can be found here.

    I feel that I used the tools I was most familiar with, and I felt crunched for time with my mind on other things as the school year wraps up; however, I did provide two ways for students to show their learning, and I probably would not have done that had it not been for the requirements for this video – which I plan to use tomorrow in an actual lesson. Yeah! That was very helpful.

    in reply to: 2.4 Your Digital Home Base #10235

    I use Canvas as my hub to communicate all information. I like to keep my Home Page very simple and display only the links my students will need. Below my calendar I have links to important class information along with how to contact me. I do not have a Class Announcements that I use. I like the idea of including video tutorials, but I have never done that.

    in reply to: 2.4 Your Digital Home Base #10234

    I use Canvas as my hub to communicate all information. I like to keep my Home Page very simple and display only the links my students will need. Below my calendar I have links to important class information along with how to contact me. I do not have a Class Announcements that I use. I like the idea of including video tutorials, but I have never done that.

    in reply to: 1.8 Challenges of Teaching Online #10162

    The most challenging thing for me in teaching online would be knowledge of how best to communicate the information. I do not feel well versed in the tools that are out there for me to use. I think a solution to this is to experiement with tools, talk to others who teach online, and find what works for me and get to know a few tools really well. I think this would be better for me than to try and learn just a little about many different tools. One tool that I like is Screencastify where I can share videos that I have already made and students can see the instruction prior to our meeting. Then we can ask questions and discuss with our time together.

    in reply to: 1.6 Streamlining Your Digital Workspace #10160

    I write everything on a paper/pencil list, but then I also recreate this in notes so that it goes with me wherever I go. I cross things off and delete them as I go. I also have some common standard responses saved on a Google Doc that I frequetnly send to students and parents. This saves so much time in having to recreate the response each time I need it.

    in reply to: Discussion Post Topic: Visions and Actions #10159

    I prioritize relationship building by treating each student as the unique individual they are and trying to get to know them – both as a reader/writer in my English classroom and as a human being as well. I greet each student at the door each day, and I have found this practice is fun and pays off. I feel like I give each student a bit of individual attention that is vital to relationships. I establish a positive learning environment by working to snsure that my room is a safe space. I want students to feel positive about their learning and I use humor a lot to achieve this. Humor also helps to bring my curriculum to life. I love to play and so I try to think of ways to make my room feel like we are “playing” when we are actually learning. It was good for me to read the section on grading assumptions. I sometimes get strict about late work. Most times I try to listen to the reason for the late work, but other times I am black and white. It was good to reread this section.

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