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  • jneberly
    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #10868

    I love how your choice board looks. It is very appealing. It looks great for a general education setting. I feel like if you were going to use this with students in special education, you would need to have them write less, or choose fewer prompts to answer. Nice job.

    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #10867
    This choice board is for ELA. This choice board is intended to be used for students in Basic level (speical education) English class. These options allow students the opportunity to share their understanding in the way they can do that best.

    in reply to: 5.4 Supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 Learners #10864

    I feel like my biggest challenge will be accommodating for ELL. As a special education teacher, I feel like I am able to do what I need to do for those students, but I have very little experience with ELL.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #10861

    I feel like this could be done using Google slides. The questions would be virtual so that all students would see it on the screen.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #10858

    One in class activity we complete is creating the setting of a story with objects we have in the classroom (playdough, sticks, plates, shells, etc.) The students love this project and it is so engaging.

    in reply to: 4.6 Classroom Meeting Activities #10857

    I start class with celebrations and concerns. This starts students talking about what is on their mind, good or bad. If there is nothing we discuss who the day is going, work, and so on.

    in reply to: 4.4 Fostering Student Relationships #10851

    I am big on my class feeling like a “family unit.” One way I build relationships, is by utilizing celebrations and concerns at the start of each class. On Fridays we spend time talking about what the plans for the weekend are and what we have going on in life. When we return on Mondays, we spend time discussing how the weekend went (good and bad). I have found with my high school students, they just really want to talk about themselves and have someone hear them.

    in reply to: 3.5 Your Hyperdoc #10847

    I created a pre-reading activity Of Mice and Men. Students will learn more about migrant workers, The Great Depression, and the Dust Bowl. One of the links in my hyperdoc is an audio recording that details what life was like during the Dust Bowl, Depression, and migrating.

    in reply to: 2.9 Digital Lesson and Reflection #10829

    I utilized screencastify and created a lesson about proper email etiquette. I integrated questions throughout the video and walked students through creating a proper email. The thing that went well was that students answered the questions as they came across the screen. The part of the lesson that could have gone better, was students did not seem very engaged in watching the video. They wanted to be able to fast forward to the questions and just be done. I could work on making the video more engaging. Next time, I might use a video created by someone else to let the students watch and answer questions about, or I might have them watch as an entire group and then answer questions on their own afterwards.

    in reply to: 2.6 Tech Tool Tic-Tac-Toe #10825

    The aspect of Gimkit that I like is that students can create questions on the spot. I feel like this adds a deeper level of thinking.

    in reply to: 2.6 Tech Tool Tic-Tac-Toe #10824

    I had never heard of Mentimeter. I looked it up and think it could be amazing to use. I had the thought to use it like a question of the day or writing prompt. Thanks for sharing.

    in reply to: 2.6 Tech Tool Tic-Tac-Toe #10822

    I used Blooket and created questions for my Seniors to answer over the novel we read. My students really like Blooket, because there is a video game aspect to it. They enjoy earning gold and “stealing” it from their peers. I like it because they answer the questions over and over and over again for a specified amount of time. This helps them retain the information. The music is also fun, and I like to be the commentator and keep everyone up to date on what’s happening in the game. My biggest challenge is finding a tech tool that my special education students can use with ease to create discussions.

    in reply to: 2.4 Your Digital Home Base #10256

    CANVAS is the LMS my school uses. The two links that I made sure to include are Modules and Class expectations. Modules is where students can go to find work and materials and class expectations is a basically a syllabus that includes the classroom rules I create with my students. I think these links are important as students need to know where to find materials quickly and they may need to look up late work policies or camera expectations for class. I tried to share a screenshot, but it won’t paste here.

    in reply to: 1.8 Challenges of Teaching Online #10249

    The thing about online learning that was challenging for me, was I teach students in special education. Many of them already lack motivation for wanting to learn or do well. They rarely did their work or joined class videos. Helping students understand the importance of school and why they need it would be a huge step. This is difficult to do, especially if you do not see these students face to face. One way to help with this could be making material relevant to life and it’s circumstances. I think it would be beneficial to meet with each student at a designated time to go over work, problems, questions, and feedback. Having “office hours” to cover these things one on one would also help with engagement and relationship building.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)