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  • jdoll
    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #10809

    My Choice Board is for students to choose how to learn/experience cardio fitness.

    in reply to: 5.2 Supporting Diverse Students #10800

    I think using the translate app and pairing the students with one that is able to translate really helps with inclusion. These are good ideas.

    in reply to: 5.2 Supporting Diverse Students #10798

    I think Google Translate is very helpful in communicating with these students. Several of my students use this and it has been very effective.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #10797

    I agree with kawilliams. Phones with the app downloaded is good as well as smart watches. Many students have one or the other. It is a lot of tracking but it is engaging for the students and motivates them to improve.

    in reply to: 4.6 Classroom Meeting Activities #10796

    Use this tutorial

    It is step by step and seems to be effective at teaching the skill of juggling for beginners.

    in reply to: 4.7 Creating Engaging Virtual Activities #10792

    Help Make This In-Person Activity Virtual

    In Health for each chapter test review the students play Jeopardy. The students are divided in 3 teams. Categories with number values for questions are on the white board. A student team member chooses a category and pt. value. The instructor reads the question from a paper and the teams collaborate for their answer. If the team that originally chose the category answers incorrectly the other 2 teams may show me their answers (they wrote them on paper) if they are correct they get the pts. or split the pts. if both answered correctly.

    in reply to: 4.6 Classroom Meeting Activities #10791

    In Lifeguard training the students work in small groups on “saves” and then collaborate with each other what went well and what they can do to improve. Sometimes they observe other groups and offer positive comments about what went well and then I give the group an opportunity to reflect on what they can do better. This helps build the Lifeguard Team and encourages each individual to put forth their best effort for the improvement of the entire team.

    in reply to: 3.5 Your Hyperdoc #10305

    This is a lesson on the fitness levels of teens. It allows the students to explain the problem, explore their own fitness level, elaborate by creating a fitness plan, and finally to evaluate their fitness improvement.

    in reply to: Discussion Post Topic: Visions and Actions #10289

    Comment regarding another post: Making telephone calls to connect to online learners is a great way to build that student-teacher relationship. It is a simple gesture, yet may be very instrumental in getting the student motivated.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by jdoll.
    in reply to: Discussion Post Topic: Visions and Actions #10288

    Comment regarding another post: I like the idea that was shared… late work is accepted until test day. Presently, I accept late work without deadlines. This seems like it would be helpful but I think it just enables certain student to procrastinate more. Therefore, I will try the new idea of late work being accepted until test day.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by jdoll.
    in reply to: Discussion Post Topic: Visions and Actions #10287

    In my regular classroom I do the “check-in Routine” with my students. I ask how their athletic team is doing or what they did over the weekend. This seems to break down walls and make the environment a positive place to be. Throughout the semester I sometimes implement ice breaker games to encourage student interactions. However, the obvious is to begin the semester with these games. I think this will be my game plan for next semester. In addition greeting the students as they enter the classroom has been very effective in building the teacher-student relationship. Some students may go through the day with not even a single “hello” from someone so when they hear the teacher greet them by name they seem to become more confident. Finally I would like for my classroom to be a place where “sometimes you succeed, sometimes you learn” will be the motto. There are no failures only another opportunity to learn. In the Health classroom the curriculum definitely has a life application. The students are learning to make healthier choices for themselves. There lies an element of self-assessment in this process. Everyone also progresses at a different rate so there are no wrong answers… just moving forward and striving to be better.

    in reply to: 1.8 Challenges of Teaching Online #10283

    Getting to know the students , keeping them engaged and on a timeline track is what I find to be most challenging. Time management of an online class is often challenging for the student. Keeping them on track and engaged will be my focus.

    in reply to: Establishing Relationships #10277

    I have done the icebreaker “Would you rather”. This gives the students an opportunity to identify with others that are like minded. It is also fun for the students to come up with their own “Would you rather” statements for the group.

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