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  • eskelton
    in reply to: 5.6 Choice Board Peer Review #10830
    My choice board is designed as an application to demonstrate knowledge of Newton’s three laws. It would be for seventh-grade science students. The students could choose the assignments that they felt more of a connection. I would have pre-made labs or leading questions for the interviews with Newton for my students who needed more support and I would offer leading questions that would push my students who needed an extra challenge.

    in reply to: 5.4 Supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 Learners #10827

    I agree, body language is so much harder to read on screen. I can watch a student and tell if they are struggling just by what their non-verbal cues say.

    in reply to: 5.4 Supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 Learners #10826

    What is, or what do you think will be your biggest challenge when it comes to supporting ELL, IEP, and 504 learners in your online classroom? I think the biggest challenge is meeting the individual needs that are present in the online setting. At school, you have different support staff that “makes the difference” for students, but in an online setting, you would be more reliant on the resources they have available at home. I think that this will make building a rapport with your students even more crucial so you are aware of the help they have and the built-in hinderances they have in their surroundings.

    in reply to: 5.2 Supporting Diverse Students #10823

    As part of my vocabulary assignments, the students are required to write a sentence that shows meaning, they struggle to use capital letters and punctuation. Meaning is rarely evident.

    in reply to: 5.2 Supporting Diverse Students #10821

    What trends are you seeing with your students?
    In my class, I see a rise in a lack of respect for the educational process. They have very little stamina and follow through. The quality of work or even an idea of what quality work looks like is lost on most students.
    What recurring successes or struggles do you see?
    The struggle for my students is independent thinking. They grow immensely during the year, but the process is frustrating for both the teacher and the student, but I believe it is essential to their maturation in the educational process.

    in reply to: 4.6 Classroom Meeting Activities #10819

    I teach 7th grade science. During homeroom, we use rose and thorn activities to debrief the day. It allows the students to discuss the good, bad, and ugly of the day safely and productively.

    in reply to: 4.4 Fostering Student Relationships #10818

    I agree, the best connections come from ordinary conversations.

    in reply to: 4.4 Fostering Student Relationships #10816

    I start by introducing myself and then tell some things about myself first, then I ask students to introduce themselves and tell me one thing about themselves each day as I learn their names. It helps me get an idea of who they are and what they value. When we were in quarantine during Covid, I had less structured structured time on Fridays. I did things like having a scavenger hunt where they raced to bring things from their house like a bandaid or a tape dispenser. It made the time more engaging and the students were more willing to participate afterwards.

    in reply to: 2.9 Digital Lesson and Reflection #10808

    1: Inquiry Introduction
    Students read and take notes on the layers of the earth and complete the required vocabulary to understand the layers of the earth project. I lecture over the section to fill in any blanks the students may have after taking notes on their own. Students watch an edpuzzle video on proportions to prepare for the math required to complete the activity.

    2: Instruction
    The students watch a screencastify to complete the proportions of the layers of the earth for the scale model they will be creating in a group. Once the math is completed, they then draw the layers to scale according to their answers. The drawing has to be approved to move to the building portion of the project.

    3: Main Activity
    Once the drawing is completed and approved, the students form groups and construct a 3D model of the layers of the earth to scale.

    4: Knowledge Check
    Students present the finished product to classmates and receive feedback from their peers.

    5: Q&A and Wrap Up
    We discuss the project and the layers of the earth together and then take a quiz on the information utilized to complete the project.

    The lesson starts a little dry with vocabulary and notes, but once we make it past that, the student interaction takes off. The part that needs amending is the amount of time I gave them to complete the project. This is one of the first projects they can complete without specific restrictions on size and material. They can make it any size and out of any found materials. It takes them more time to think on their own, but I believe this is an integral step in their development as a student.
    This is a link to the screencastify

    in reply to: 2.6 Tech Tool Tic-Tac-Toe #10807

    Quizziz is a great way to review information in a game or individual quizzes for extra practice or test preparation. It can also be accessed if the student is absent so they stay on track with the other students. It is great for checking understanding and providing me with feedback for specific subject matter. It helps guide future lesson planning. Here is a link to a quizziz assignment I’ve prepared. One challenge I had was

    in reply to: 2.4 Your Digital Home Base #10805

    Canvas is the LMS for our school corporation. The calendar is where I link all my information. The assignments for each day have the links to pages they need to access for instructions, videos, or informational sheets. I use Canvas for all my classes. This provides a jumping-off point for each day. If a student is absent they can access all material and proceed with the work in class. My homepage links students and parents to appropriate materials, policies, and established procedures in my class.
    My homepage link

    in reply to: 1.8 Challenges of Teaching Online #10165

    A description of what you find most challenging about online teaching
    A possible solution to your challenge, using a tool, tip, or strategy you learned
    A link to the tool, if applicable
    An explanation of how this tool, tip, or strategy can help you improve your experience as an online teacher

    The aspect of online teaching that is most challenging, in my opinion, is being available and connecting when questions occur. Your student could have a question and you respond with follow-up, clarification questioning, and then they just disappear. It is frustrating for all those involved. I’ve found that Google Meets is a great way to diffuse some of these frustrations. Being able to talk through the questions and misconceptions live is the easiest way to help. I always try to establish open office hours so I don’t have to feel “on-call” at all hours.

    in reply to: 1.6 Streamlining Your Digital Workspace #10164

    I keep myself organized by marking emails that require a response as unread. Then I try to clear all unread emails by the end of the day. I often wait until everything “settles” at home to respond. This gives me time to think about my responses and clear my mind before bed. I also use the Canvas calendar to work through a unit systematically. This keeps me, my students, and parents alike on the same page.

    in reply to: Discussion Post Topic: Visions and Actions #10122

    How will you prioritize relationship building?
    Building strong relationships is essential for fostering a positive learning environment. Making an effort to get to know each individual, listening to their concerns, and showing empathy and understanding will be a priority, also encouraging open communication and collaboration, ensures that everyone feels valued and supported.
    How will you establish a positive learning community?
    I believe in creating a culture of respect, inclusivity, and collaboration. I will work to create a safe and supportive environment where all students feel valued, respected, and included. By fostering a sense of belonging and community, an environment where all students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally is created.
    How will you bring your curriculum to life for your students?
    I will incorporate a variety of instructional strategies, such as project-based learning, hands-on activities, and real-world connections, to make learning meaningful and engaging. I will also utilize technology to enhance instruction and provide students with opportunities for exploration and creativity. By making learning interactive, relevant, and enjoyable, I can help students develop a deeper understanding of the content.
    How do your assessment and grading practices align with your vision for learner engagement?
    My assessment and grading practices are designed to promote learner engagement and growth. I believe in using a variety of formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress and provide timely feedback. I am researching ways to provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding in multiple ways and give them a voice in the assessment process.

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