4.2 – Rich Tasks & Activities (Note: Under Project Banner)
- This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
Knight Agency
KeymasterOctober 7, 2022 at 12:06 pm #2335Review the list of rich tasks and activities and use it to develop a task you feel meets the low floor/high ceiling attributes of a rich task. Afterward, test it in your classroom and share your experience:
- Describe any obstacles or challenges you had with the activity.
- Describe any successes or breakthroughs you had with the activity.
- Would you do anything differently next time? Why?
ParticipantDecember 8, 2022 at 9:20 am #2473I tried to focus on 2 strategies and make a mix of them. I incorporated Weekly Seating – Problem Solving and Illustrative Math Tasks into my class. I chose these two since, being a weekly problem, I thought that the format should be different from what was worked on, in addition to having another type of writing so that the students begin to get used to a different job from a single teacher.
The main obstacle was that since it was something weekly that was delivered on Mondays and reviewed on Fridays, there were students who did not do it or did not understand it. others who developed it on the same Monday and did not work on it anymore during the week. So there was a lack of coordination at the beginning.
After that, it was explained again how the work would be. Then on Monday the problem was handed in and read in front of the entire course. On Tuesday they had to bring in writing all the doubts they had regarding the problem. On Wednesday they had to bring in writing the definition of the concept that they intend to work on. On Thursday the exercise was read again and some doubts were resolved, and finally on Friday the exercise was resolved with the help of the students.
The different thing I would do would be to establish a work routine immediately. In addition to designating some students to be in charge of sharing their progress according to the day in order to make sure that everyone participates and that they are more committed to the development of the problem.
ParticipantMarch 25, 2023 at 3:48 pm #3175I chose the adding tape activity using a small group of mixed ability students. I was very pleased to have students that understood integers teaching and eliciting understanding from struggling students. Would be interesting to see if a more homogeneous group would be as successful. Exciting stuff!
ParticipantJuly 13, 2023 at 6:47 am #3880I will be teaching second grade this year. At the beginning of the year I will try playing the card activity Targeting 100. As the year progresses, and if this was a successful activity, I will then have them play the same card game but Targeting 1000.
ParticipantJune 13, 2024 at 12:37 pm #11244Review the list of rich task and activities and use it to develop a task you feel meets the low floor/high ceiling attributes of a rich task. Afterward, test it in your classroom and share your experience on the discussion board post titled, Rich Tasks & Activities.
This is the activity I will use with my class. Card Activities
Target one thousand or Target one hundredDescribe any obstacles or challenges you had with the activity. I don’t believe I will have obstacles. I know I will have to teach new vocabulary at the start of the school year.
Describe any successes or breakthroughs you had with the activity. I will take notes and share with our school.
Would you do anything differently next time? Why
ParticipantJuly 16, 2024 at 4:01 pm #11458I would like to try the Sudoku puzzle with my students. I like the fact that this will be completed as a class, which will allow students to think-pair-share, before answering questions. I will also check for understanding and write down whom is still not getting the addition strategy.
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